Have a look at our
Bye Sweet Carole
An interactive creepy fairy-tale. “When Disney animation meets Clock Tower and Inside”
- Dynamic adventure / survival horror
- Third-person 2D adventure
- PC, Switch, Xbox One, Series X/S, PlayStation© 4, 5
Number of players
- Single Player

The game
Classic cinematic adventure games (Inside, Another World, Limbo) with some of the most hallowed elements of survival horrors (Clock Tower, Haunting Ground, Remothered) return to life in a brand-new grotesque horror fairy tale told in the traditional art style (frame-by-frame and hand-painted backgrounds) of some of the most beloved Walt Disney classics, from Sleeping Beauty to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Beauty and the Beast.
You’ll feel like you’re back in one of your favorite old ’90s adventures, while at the same time watching one of the animated movies that marked your childhood, except in a whole new gaming universe able to charm and capture you in a never-seen-before combination.
But don’t let yourselves be deceived by appearances, the fairy-tale and dreamlike atmosphere, or the emotional orchestral soundtrack: Chris Darril’s Bye Sweet Carole will tell a touching yet also terribly disturbing Hitchcockian story that will push the traditional boundaries of classic films in dealing with the phenomenon of bullying (denouncing the rule of silence as much as active participation). Unlike those earlier beloved masterpieces, one way Bye Sweet Carole has no intention of resembling a fairy tale or a classic animated movie is in its refusal to cut corners or have any censorship, either in the content or in the themes addressed.
Young Lana Benton, forced by the terrifying Mr. Kyn, also known as “Old Hat,” finds herself into a mysterious enchanted garden to deal with menacing and disturbing creatures.
After discovering a number of letters from a certain “French,” Lana decides to follow the last known trail of Carole Simmons, a girl of the same age who apparently escaped from Bunny Hall, an 19th century orphanage.
The building is now infested by colony of wild rabbits which came from a mysterious dimensional portal to the realm of Corolla.